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ISBN is the acronym of International Standard Book Number. It is a 13-digit number for registrations of books. This unique coding system for books helps to distinguish published books and simultaneously provides information on the origin.

In addition to books, the ISBN coding system can also be applied to any work produced by publishers or collected by libraries. Printed work always starts with the ISBN then followed by the 13 digits. Work that is older than 2007 have 10-digit ISBN numbers.

ISBN registration

Separate ISBN applies to every different edition of a book, but NOT to an unchanged impression or unchanged reprint of the same book in the same format. Price changes do not lead to the need for a new ISBN.

Loose-leaf publications require an ISBN to identify an edition at a given time. Individual issues of additions or replacement sheets also require an ISBN. ISBN for books and publications: ISBN application for first time publication of authors’ books in Curaçao, St. Maarten or Aruba